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Dyslexia in Film Analysis

Teo Jer Rei
3H1 (20)
Category 2


Why this project?

Movies Play an important role in educating/influencing people.


As such,movies might give people a wrong mindset about Dyslexia and cause misconceptions about it. 


This project aims to understand in what ways Dyslexia may be portrayed inaccurately and the potential misconceptions it might bring about




Thesis Statement:


   Dyslexia in films is manipulated and sensationalized to attract viewers, and in the end causes a false portrayal of the condition itself.




Thesis explained

Often the film industry seeks to entertain, and to do so requires interesting story plots. Dyslexia by itself would not attract viewers if put in a story plot, so they will be forms of exaggeration or false portrayal so as to get viewership.

-Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
-Taare Zameen Par
-Syd Field's Narrative structure
-Jean-Loius Baudry Apparatus Theory

Both films have main characters with Dyslexia, and the movie centres around each of their journey in the story plot.

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