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Taare Zameen Par

Syd Field's Narrative proposes that each story to be divided into 3 parts: the Setup(introduction), the Confrontation (problem) and the Resolution (Ending). This project will divide each movie into the proportions of 25% of movie time for Set-up, 50% for Confrontation and the remaining 25% for the Resolution

Taare Zameen Par (2008):


The movie begins by showing Ishaan being distracted by fishes in his school pond. He is so focused that he forgets that he needs to take his school bus, and almost misses it. It then moves on to him in his daily life, how he gets distracted easliy, and loses focus in class. Viewers can start to get an impression that Ishaan is not normal,


The confrontation begins when Ishaan's parents are disappointed with his continuously low results and sends him to a boarding school in hopes of disciplining him. There, he suffers from emotional pain as no one understands his condition, and merely writes his Dylsexia off as laziness. We can also see that in an Asian society, expectations are high and competitive, so Ishaan's poor grades seem to fall out of the societal expectations, making him an outcast.


A new art teacher comes to class, by the name of Mr Nikumbh. He too has Dyslexia, and he shows Ishaan how to read and learn using specific teaching methods. Eventually, the two forge a close bond togehter and Ishaan discovers his talent in art. He then participates in an art competition and wins, giving a happy ending to the movie, where people finally appreciate his talents.

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